Former classroom teacher, Canada-based Phil Cutler is now Co-Founder & CEO at Paper, an online platform that works directly with K-12 public school districts to support their students. In this interview, Phil talks to …
Bo Stjerne Thomsen, Vice-President at The LEGO Foundation, looks at what young people envision as important for digital technologies, and Sermo share physicians’ perceptions on the value of ChatGPT in healthcare. Plus industry analyses on AI in …
Benjamin Vedrenne-Cloquet speaks to Kirill Pyshkin, senior portfolio manager in the Thematic Equities team at Credit Suisse. Kirill talks about his personal interest in education as a whole and the important role of technology …
Jamie Ritchie in conversation with Dr. Ben Maruthappu, Co-Founder and CEO of Cera, one of the fastest growing businesses in Europe. A former A&E doctor and adviser to the CEO of NHS England, Dr. …
In this issue: Tech-led impact investing and the potential outcomes of the next generation AI. Plus new opportunities for language learners and the latest trends and activities in the EdTech space. Contributions from Benjamin Vedrenne-Cloquet, CEO and Co-Founder ImpactX2050 & …
Benjamin Vedrenne-Cloquet speaks to Matti Niebelschütz, Co-Founder and CEO at CoachHub, on his own transformational experience of being coached as a first-time manager, and how this led him to build a coaching business with …